Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year

Well, my New Year's resolution will be to try to post more on this blog.

Technically, I have some more specific goals in regards to how much and how frequently, but I won't be specifying them because it'll then look embarrassing if I don't meet them. I suppose it's always possible to go back and edit this post to remove that, but I'd prefer not to do that.

Actually, maybe I could've just skipped over this post entirely, given how little it actually says. But I felt like I wanted to put up something before the end of this month. There were some other things I considered, but I didn't get them completely done. Well, perhaps I will get some of them out next year, which would work with the resolution.

Yes, the post is going to end up being this short. Hey, a New Year's resolution is a resolution for the next year, not the current one.

But, if you want an actual takeaway from this, I'll repeat what I've seen in various other posts: Don't assume that just because someone offers a quote online, that it's inherently correct. There's a lot of false ones floating around, and unfortunately people spread them due to not verifying they are correct. If they do not offer a source, then you should be cautious as accepting it as true. And certainly do not go spreading around quotes if you haven't made sure they are correct!

And that's all I have to say about that for now. Hopefully next year I will be able to get more of my random thoughts put up for people's reading pleasure.